I’m no longer dreaming of spring…it’s here! More like summer, actually. When was the last time I was laying in the sun in my bikini on March 18th? Sounds more like June to me.

But who’s complaining? In the spirit of summer spring, here are some images to feast your eyes on.

Source: etsy.com via Sarah on Pinterest

I had such a moving experience this morning, I thought it was worth sharing:

On my way to the café this morning I walked by the same homeless man that I always see in Dinkytown. He smiles at me every morning on my way to class and usually asks if I can spare a sandwich or some change. I have always said no, because I’m in a hurry or don’t have cash, and he just smiles and tells me it’s okay and to have a great day. Today, after our usual interaction ending with me saying “I’m sorry, but good luck!” I felt guilty…I wasn’t in a hurry this morning. So I changed my mind, went into the café and bought a blueberry muffin to go. When I went outside, he was gone. I walked a block down and found him on the next corner, but when I approached him to give him the bag, he looked up at me, shook his head, and closed his eyes. I reached out to hand it to him, telling him that I picked him up some breakfast, and he started to cry. He put his hands in his pockets and wouldn’t accept it. I set the bag on the ground at his feet and told him that I’d already eaten breakfast, so I hoped he’d take it, and I turned around and walked the opposite way.

Halfway down the block I turned back and the bag and the man were gone.

It turns out, to him that muffin meant a lot more than just breakfast.

Sometimes it takes an experience like this to remember to notice people, to not make assumptions, and to take a minute of your day to do something small that will make a big difference for someone else.

Reach out to someone today!

Apartment envy…

would be an understatement.

I was up late last night searching for the perfect 1 bedroom apartment… just so someday I can turn it into this.

Source: bhg.com via Sarah on Pinterest


Source: houzz.com via Sarah on Pinterest

It might be a stretch, but who says I can't be inspired?
A girl can dream.

If I had ONE wish right now…it would be to have all the world’s freshest and most delicious ingredients at my fingertips for cooking.

If that were the case, I’d snap my fingers right now for some mushrooms, bell peppers, coconut milk, yellow curry, jasmine rice, tofu and jumbo shrimp…and I’d be on my way back to my apartment to cook up the perfect lunch. If only it were that easy.

Thank you, Pinterest, for inspiring me.

Scrambled tofu with peas, onions and curry.

Valentine or no Valentine…they’re still fun to make! I spent the majority of my Saturday night making sure at least 12 people in my life would feel special tomorrow…

A good craft session with a good friend (not to mention a really delicious dinner) might just make up for my lack of “Valentine” this year. Friends > valentines, anyway.


S’mores cupcake for breakfast? Yes, please.

One delicious, ooey gooey, marshmallow-licious cupcake from the one and only CUPCAKE in St. Paul accompanied by an out-of-this world honey-vanilla latte is the perfect way to start the day.

What could make it any better?

Oh, that’s right, good company. There’s nothing like a decadent “breakfast” with a good girlfriend! I think making this a weekly occurence would increase my serotonin levels and decrease my stress level by something like 50%.

…and I’ll just amp up the hot yoga by one class a week 🙂

For the first time, I tried making pumpkin oats. On my computer is the photo I went by…picture perfect, huh?


  • 1/3 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • drizzle of honey
  • dollop of natural creamy peanut butter


  1. In a microwave safe bowl, stir the oats and water together.
  2. Microwave for 1 1/2 – 2 minutes.
  3. Stir in the pumpkin and cinnamon.
  4. Top with honey and peanut butter.

Servings: 1

Original recipe from:
